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Iron Meteorites

Iron meteorites are what people usually think of when they imagine meteorites. They are incredibly dense iron cores of protoplanets, broken into fragments from collisions with other bodies billions of years ago. Iron meteorites represent less than 5% of all meteorites that have been found on earth. They are formed and shaped by the entry into the atmosphere into wonderful natural sculptures with rich surface textures and deep pockets (regmaglypts). Iron meteorites have been treasured for thousands of years, with examples having been found in many ancient cultures, including Native Americans, Egyptians, and many others. King Tut had a dagger made from an iron meteorite, as this was the only source of iron available in ancient times. Iron meteorites are among the oldest objects on earth, more than 4.5 billion years old. The combination of age, rarity, and natural beauty makes iron meteorites among the most desired by collectors.